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Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the BUDERUS factory.

Export of Products

Export of BUDERUS products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All BUDERUS products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant BUDERUS: gas, electric, condensing, solid fuel, industrial, supercharged wall and floor boilers, water heaters, heating radiators, boiler burners, gas power plants
  • Floor-mounted supercharged boilers BUDERUS
    Floor-mounted supercharged boilers
    Logano G125SE, Logano GE615, etc.
  • Outdoor condensers. boilers BUDERUS
    Outdoor condensers. boilers
    Logano plus SB745, etc.
  • Additional equipment BUDERUS
    Additional equipment
    pipes, thermal insulation, etc.
  • Solar collectors BUDERUS
    Solar collectors
    Logasol SKS, Logasol CKN, etc.
  • Wall mounted gas boilers BUDERUS
    Wall mounted gas boilers
    Logamax U044, Logamax U072, etc.
  • Outdoor gas boilers BUDERUS
    Outdoor gas boilers
    Logano G334WS, Logano G234, etc.
  • Wall mounted condensers. boilers BUDERUS
    Wall mounted condensers. boilers
    Logamax plus GB072, etc.
  • Gas-fired power plants BUDERUS
    Gas-fired power plants
    CE50, CE70, CE240, etc.
  • Radiators for heating BUDERUS
    Radiators for heating
    Logatrend VK-Profil, etc.
  • Wall mounted water heaters BUDERUS
    Wall mounted water heaters
    Logalux H, Logalux HC, etc.
  • Industrial boilers BUDERUS
    Industrial boilers
    Logano SK655, Logano SK755, etc.
  • Solid fuel boilers BUDERUS
    Solid fuel boilers
    Logano G221, Logano S131, etc.
  • Electric boilers BUDERUS
    Electric boilers
    Logamax E213, etc.
  • Burners for boilers BUDERUS
    Burners for boilers
    Logatop DE, Logatop DZ, etc.
  • Automation for boilers BUDERUS
    Automation for boilers
    RC35, RC200, FM241, etc.
  • Outdoor water heaters BUDERUS
    Outdoor water heaters
    S, SU, PR, PNR, LTD, etc.


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